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Fact #193409


Short story:

Pete Townshend of The Who explains his song My Generation in Record Mirror. In the evening, the band plays at St George's Ballroom, Hinckley, England, UK, Europe

Full article:

Pete Townshend : The guy who's singing My Generation is supposed to be blocked. It's reminiscent in a way because Mods don't get blocked any more. They get drunk or other things. Pills was a phase … No, he's not blocked, he just can't form his words. We had loads of rows about doing it. Chris Stamp was all for it, but the others kept wanting to put their own bits in. The ending is a natural progression of what's come before. It's the way it happens on stage. It was meant to get back more to the general theme at the end, but it doesn't.
(Source : Record Mirror)