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Fact #193404


Short story:

In the afternoon, The Rolling Stones play at the Academy of Music, New York City, USA. That same evening they play at The Convention Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

Full article:

Bob Gruen (audience) : I'm on my way to 14th Street to buy a $10 pair of Flagg Brothers boots - Beatles boots in fact - and when I get to the store I notice a whole bunch of kids standing on the street, right in front of the Academy.  A friend of mine comes over so I say 'Hey, what's going on?' and she goes 'The Rolling Stones are playing here, you wanna ticket?'

Well, I'd never heard of the Stones, but it looks like a cool scene, so I buy the tickets and run back to where my friends are rehearsing on Bleecker Street. They're all too busy jamming to go, but Larry Coryell, the guitar player, who's there rehearsing with them, decides to come with me to the show.  

So Larry and I go together, and we sit in the mezzanine. Walking in it seems like an acid trip because it's so intense.  The place is charged with excitement, you know, all the screaming, the noise and paper plates and airplanes flying through the air.

Then the Stones come on.  Mick's jumping around the stage - he's all over the stage at once. He's completely out of control like a marionette being run by somebody who's totally high on speed.  I don't really hear any of the music because of the noise.  Everybody's just screaming and yelling. 

Bill [Wyman] is standing very still so that even when a paper plate comes flying straight toward him he barely moves his head - just three or four inches very slowly to the left, and the paper plate sails past him. Then he straightens up and that's the only 
move I see in him make during the entire show – whereas everybody else on stage is moving all over the place and it's hard even to follow them.

For an encore they played Satisfaction which was probably one of the loudest things I've ever heard in my life, and the bassline carried on and on ringing in my head for weeks afterwards.

That was the first time I saw The Rolling Stones and until then I hadn't even known that a band could play a concert in a theatre instead of a bar.
(Source : http://www.greatmodernpictures.com/newpage115.htm)