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Fact #192245


Short story:

All Saints release their debut single, I Know Where It's At, on London Records in the UK.

Full article:

Shaznay Lewis (All Saints) : I Know Where It's At was the first song that All Saints recorded together. I wrote it in 1995 when it was just me and mel in the band. We demo'd it but never went back to master it, and then we got signed to London Records.

They picked it as the first single so it was the first song that Mel, Nicky, Nat and I recorded together and made a video to. It wasn't written for anyone in particular. It's just a happy song. As far as songwriting influences, I like Alanis Morissette a lot, she's a very clever writer. I also really like Lauryn Hill and Stevie Wonder's writing.
(Source : Inspirations by Michael Randolfi, Mike Read and David Stark, Sanctuary 2002)