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Fact #191693


Short story:

Shortly after the start of a European tour, tonight's gig by Oasis at Pavello De La Vall D'Hedron, Barcelona, Spain, Europe, is cancelled.

Full article:

Liam Gallagher (vocalist, Oasis) : We were great that day. I was playing drums, Noel was playing guitar, the kids were waiting outside and it was going to be a great fucking gig. Then Alan (drummer) got back on the kit and his arm seized up, and we had to pull the gig.

Noel Gallagher : There had been an undercurrent of us not getting along for a long time which we'd not recognised. It all blew up that night. We were all drunk and there was a lot of truth-telling, which is what happens when you're pissed.

Liam Gallagher : It was nothing to do with the band or the music. It was all to do with me and him being fucking knobheads, as usual.

Noel Gallagher : He said things about my missus in the heat of the moment … we ended up in a fight, throwing bottles. I got a black eye. I actually felt sorry for Andy and Gem, because they were sat there, thinking, 'What the fuck's going on there?'

I said, 'I'm going to Paris,' and I got on the bus. I said, 'If you don't get on the bus, then you either walk there or you get a fucking aeroplane.'