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Fact #190853


Short story:

Homer and Jethro, Pete Fountain, Joan Toliver, Doc Watson, The Geezinslaw Brothers, Bill Monroe, The Cumberland Trio, The Serendipity Singers and The Goldebriars appear on ABC-TV's Hootenanny show, recorded on the campus of the University of Tennessee, Tennessee, USA. For upcoming young folk group The Goldebriars it's a distressing experience, as their song, Saro Jane, is repeatedly reduced in length by the show's producers.

Full article:

Dotti Holmberg (The Goldebriars) : We were disappointed. We loved being there but we could tell there was something coming down on the group because we had our recording “Saro Jane” and they kept on making our song shorter and shorter. We found out that the show producer was also the manager of a local folk band. We knew something was going on. They were trying to make us look not as good as we could have looked and so our song was cut and jammed into a shorter version. Of course, we did our best.
(Source : http://minniepaulmusic.com/?page_id=11602)