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Fact #188486


Short story:

When The Beatles play at Candie Gardens, Guernsey, Channel Islands, UK, Europe, they meet up with John Lennon's old friend, the author and beat poet Royston Ellis. An encounter with a young woman during this visit will inspire The Beatles' song Polythene Pam. According to Lennon himself, "That was me, remembering a little event with a woman in Jersey, and a man who was England's answer to Allen Ginsberg ... I met him when we were on tour and he took me back to his apartment and I had a girl and he had one he wanted me to meet. He said she dressed up in polythene, which she did. She didn't wear jack boots and kilts, I just sort of elaborated. Perverted sex in a polythene bag. Just looking for something to write about."

Full article:

Paul McCartney : John, being Royston's friend, went out to dinner with him and got pissed and stuff and they end up back at his apartment.

John Lennon : I had a girl and he had one he wanted me to meet. He said she dressed up in polythene, which she did.

Royston Ellis : We all dressed up in them and wore them in bed. John stayed the night with us in the same bed.

Paul McCartney : It was a litle kinky scene. She became Polythene Pam. She was a real character.

John Lennon : She didn't wear jackboots and kilts. I just sort of elaborated. Perverted sex in a polythene bag. Just looking for something to write about.
(Source : not known)