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Fact #187508


Short story:

Paul McCartney oversees a final remix of The Beatles' imminent single Get Back/Don't Let Me Down at Olympic Studios, London, England, UK, Europe.

Full article:

Jerry Boys (tape operator, Olympic Studios) : They’d already done a mono mix of Get Back and had acetates cut and didn’t like it. We tried it again but it wasn’t really happening any better and when we went to compare the two we hit a problem because Paul didn’t have a tape of that first mix with him, just an acetate. He and Glyn were very concerned with what the new mix was going to sound like on a cheap record player. Purely by chance, I happened to have a cheap record player in the back of my car, which I’d brought along to Olympic to have someone repair. We had an acetate cut from the new mix and then, using my record player, we were able to decide which of the two mixes was better. So the very first playing of the Get Back single, which sold millions, was on my little player!
(Source : The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions, Mark Lewisohn)