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Fact #186263


Short story:

Kenny Lynch releases a new single, Misery, on HMV Records in the UK. The song is written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney of The Beatles, and is the first cover version of one of their songs. It fails to chart.

Full article:

Kenny Lynch : We were all swapping songs on the coach (during a UK tour) and The Beatles gave Misery to Helen Shapiro. She didn't like the title, which was fair enough, cause she was only young. I said, 'Oh, I like that song. I'll do it.' They said 'Great,' but Lennon gave me the greatest rucking in the world because I had Bert Weedon on it. He'd been booked for the session and I'd been told that he was very good. I played the record to John in Dick James' office and he said, 'Who's that on guitar? It's crap.' I said 'It's Bert Weedon.' He said, 'Why didn't you tell me? I'd have done it for you.' I said, 'Do you like the record or not?' He didn't pin any medals on me. He wouldn't say anything more than 'I quite like it.' It was the first song that was ever recorded by anyone else from that great catalogue.
(Source : not known)