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Fact #186124


Short story:

Tommy Roe, Chris Montez and The Beatles play at The City Hall, Sheffield, England, UK, Europe. Also on the bill are The Viscounts, The Terry Young Six, Debbie Lee and Tony Marsh.

Full article:

Anthea Linacre (reviewer) : The image of the Beatles as an exciting, pulse-raising musical group was redeemed only by angelic-looking, curly-eyelashed Paul McCartney, who was delightful.

It was he who won the hearts of the audience with his cheeky smile and boyish appeal. Ringo Starr, the drummer, who, physically, has to take a back seat anyway, was truly the team's anchor. Pleasant and efficient with few frills, he was what we expected. But George Harrison, the youngest Beatle, his head held low, hiding his lean good looks, was for the most part unanimated. True, he mustered the occasional smile and a shake of his silky brown hair to set his fans swooning.

John Lennon might have been a guard on Buckingham Palace duty for all the movement we received from him. Not an expression crossed his face except when a straw boater floated on to the stage and he had the inspiration to put it on for a moment.
(Source : https://www.sheffieldhistory.co.uk/forums/topic/185-the-beatles-in-sheffield/)

Tony Bramwell (assistant road manager, The Beatles] : Throughout this tour, The Beatles were continually nipping off to fulfil other obligations outside of the actual tour dates. On the same day we played at Sheffield, we'd come from Bristol the night before, recorded a live session for the BBC at Broadcasting House in London first thing in the morning, then raced up to Sheffield in the afternoon because we had to be on stage for the first house just after six o'clock.

On other nights they'd have done a recording session in Abbey Road before the show, or a radio interview, or a photo-session.