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Fact #184407


Short story:

At Olympic Studios, London, England, UK, Europe, Jimi Hendrix is recording The Everlasting First and Ezy Ryder with Arthur Lee of Love.

Full article:

Arthur Lee : In England, we’d hang around together, going to different places, riding up and down the countryside in England, having a good time. Plus, we both mysteriously had the same girlfriend. Devon Wilson was my girlfriend first… anyway, when I was in London, we were at The Speakeasy, and I told him ‘neither one of us gonna be around very long, so while we are here we might as well do something together.” He fell for that. So we got together.

I tried to book something (Island Studios) over there, but Stephen Stills had booked all the studio time … so I got that Olympic Studio. Jimi and Remi Kabaka and these other two Africans, they’re playing tabla. I don’t know who they were, but I met Remi Kabaka. He’s the drummer on this jam of The Everlasting First and another song that I never got to put a vocal on.

Anne Bjorndal (friend of Hendrix) : They were in a very good mood together, making a lot of jokes.

Arthur Lee : We never got a chance to play (again as) he died. We were gonna start a band together… he said he wanted to try and get Steve Winwood, Remi Kabaka and myself. But it never materialised.
(Source : not known)