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Fact #184388


Short story:

John Sebastian's solo debut album John B. Sebastian is released in the USA, featuring contributions by Crosby, Stills and Nash.

Full article:

John Sebastian : It wasn’t hard to go from working with a band (The Lovin’ Spoonful) to being just a single guitar act. As far as trying to go out and reproduce those solo and Spoonful studio recordings, on several of them I didn’t even try. If an audience would ask for them, I would say, ‘Hey, I’m just a guy up here with a guitar and those songs aren’t going to sound good so, if you really need to hear them, go home and listen to them on the record.’

Over 50% of those recordings, however, were perfectly comfortable as just a solo acoustic rendition. After all, I wrote those songs, sung on the records and did most of the guitar parts in the studio.
(Source : sleeve notes to the CD John Sebastian King Biscuit Flower Hour)