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Fact #181882


Short story:

Neil Diamond plays in The Auditorium of Plymouth High School, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA.

Full article:

Dave Schreiner (reviewer, Sheboygan Press) : The audience was with him and he was with the audience. He had almost literally reached out and grabbed the audience by their collective ties and yanked them up on stage and involved them.

Downstairs, after the show, he sat quietly on a bench. He was polite and tired and ready to go to Flint, Michigan, for another performance. He didn't know where he was going after that, because it was hard to keep up.

"But I like tours," he said. "You can get your message across a lot better when there's an audience. There's continuity and there's a better chance to get an emotional feeling from the songs."
(Source : feature in Sheboygan Press)