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Fact #181521


Short story:

John Lennon of The Beatles marries Yoko Ono in Gibraltar (near Spain), Europe.

Full article:

John Lennon : We wanted to get married on a cross-channel ferry. That was the romantic part, when we went to Southampton and then we couldn't get on because she wasn't English and she couldn't get that Day Visa to go across and they said, 'Anyway you can't get married. The captain's not allowed to do it any more.'

So we were in Paris and we were calling Peter Brown … and said, 'We want to get married. Where can we go?' And he called back and said, 'Gilbraltar's the only place.' So, OK, let's go. And we went there and it was beautiful. It's the pillar of Hercules. But they thought the world outside was the … a mystery from there, so that was like the Gateway to the World. So we liked it in the symbolic sense, and the Rock foundation of our relationship.
(Source : not known)