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Fact #180842


Short story:

On their Alive/35 Tour, Kiss Play at The Arena di Verona, Italy, Europe.

Full article:

Claudio Trotta (promoter, Barley Arts) : With every tour, Kiss come up with something new, but the brand remains the same, so people know what to expect.

With Kiss I have played the Arena in Verona twice, very successfully, and five times at The Forum in Milan. We’ve also had two successful open air shows.

But I look at Kiss more as an indoor act, so the Verona Arena is really special to them. I would say the Arena Verona, the first time, was one of the best shows I have ever seen. The Arena is like a Roman amphitheatre, so for a band which behaves like gladiators, the combination is perfect.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black for Audience magazine, June 2019)