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Fact #180117


Short story:

Bag One, a London art gallery exhibition of lithographs by John Lennon of The Beatles is raided by police and closed for obscenity.

Full article:

Detective Inspector Frederick Luff (Metropolitan Police) : Many toilet walls depict works of similar merit. It is perhaps charitable to suggest that they are the work of a sick mind.

Nanci Creer (gallery visitor) : I couldn’t believe what I was looking at. I went and looked at two or three more. I went to the other wall and suddenly felt I could not stay in the gallery any longer. I realised I was red with embarrassment. I was very shocked.

George Holmes (gallery visitor) : They were exaggerated, distorted caricatures depicting intimate sexual relationships of a repulsive and disgusting nature. To think that a man could use his own wife, not even using a model hitherto unknown to him, was to me making the marriage a farce.

Detective Inspector Frederick Luff (Metropolitan Police) : I saw a number of people shaking their heads and obviously embarrassed. One middle-aged gentleman said, ‘Shocking, isn’t it?’ and left the gallery.
(Source : not known)