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Fact #179228


Short story:

Captain Beefheart And The Magic Band play in Cincinnati Music Hall, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, supported by Little Feat. Soon after this show, Little Feat bassist Roy Estrada will leave the band and join Captain Beefheart.

Full article:

Bill Payne (Little Feat) : So here we are. It's a really nice venue too. And the sound system goes off. We hear, 'It could take two hours to fix this.' And Lowell (Lowell George, co-founder of Little Feat) goes, 'I want to go ice skating.' I go, 'No, you're playing man.'

We'd gone about an hour, an hour and a half, and finally I'm going, 'Lowell, please get off the rink. We've gotta get back.' We jump into a cab, the cab driver can't find the venue. We go, 'No, there it is, right there.' We throw the money at him, we run as gingerly as we can into the venue, and there's a line of people looking at us, including Don Van Vliet (Captain Beefheart), although I don't think he was really that upset. They had fixed the sound about fifteen minutes after we left.

Roy (Little Feat bassist Roy Estrada) was furious, and he was gone. He quit the band right after that.

Richie Hayward (Little Feat) : Van Vliet made Roy an offer he couldn't refuse, like, $500 a week. He left Little Feat to join Beefheart for security, which I find funnier than hell.

Roy Estrada : The reason I left was that I have asthma. At the time, we were living in Los Angeles, there was smog real band and I was approached by Captain Beefheart, who lived way up in Northern California, above Eureka. I thought that would be good for me, to live up there.
(Source : Willin' - The Story Of Little Feat by Ben Fong-Torres.)