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Fact #178005


Short story:

A momentous day for The Who as Happy Jack enters the Billboard Singles Chart in the USA, where it will peak at No24. Simultaneously, Pictures Of Lily reaches No4 in the UK, released on Track Records, run by The Who's managers, Kit Lambert and Chris Stamp. The same day, The Who also play at the Wolu Festival, Brussels, Belgium, Europe.

Full article:

Simon Napier-Bell (friend) : Kit Lambert (The Who's manager) was getting in a bad way with drugs by then. He'd sit in the office with ten drugs laid out on his desk and whoever phoned up, he'd take the right drug to enable him to deal with them. For one person, he'd need uppers, and then for the next one, he couldn't speak to them until he'd gulped down a handful of downers. But at least heroin wasn't in the mix then.

Kit never had money. Even when he was a millionaire, he always had money problems. It was as if he loved being broke. I remember he pawned the cufflinks his father had given him to pay to get Roger's teeth fixed, and he pawned his record player to pay their wages one week.
(Source : not known)