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Fact #171165


Short story:

My Bloody Valentine record a live session for BBC Radio One's John Peel Show, in London, England, UK, Europe.

Full article:

Kevin Shields (My Bloody Valentine) : John Peel was our universe for a long time.

When I first listened to him, in Ireland - and I've still got loads of tapes of that music - the reception wasn't very good and there was all this phasing, it made music sound much weirder than it was. Did that have an effect on me? That I heard all this great British music through distortion and phase? Very possibly.

In 1985 we went and stood outside the BBC with the first record we made, 'cos he often said he played records given to him outside. I think we were there for four hours because we hadn't worked out what time he arrived.

He said "Is this any good?" and we said, "Yes." We listened every night until he played it, but we would have anyway.