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Fact #171123


Short story:

Keith Richards of The Rolling Stones flies to Jamaica, Caribbean, to continue work with Chuck Berry on the film Hail! Hail! Rock'n'Roll.

Full article:

Keith Richards (guitarist, Rolling Stones) : He (Chuck Berry) almost went into contortions, like heart attacks. Very nervous. If you're not on Chuck's patch, baby, if Chuck ain't in control of every situation, he's like a fish out of water. It started at the airport when I picked him up. He can't stand even not driving; that's why he drives himself everywhere.

If it's his patch, he'll maneuver and manipulate anything, 'cause he can pull the switch at any time. It was very like workin' with Mick: that siege mentality, like, "Nobody is gonna get the better of me, even if I don't have fun." That's the price you pay for saying, "Nobody is gonna smirk behind my back thinking they ripped me off." Fuck, millions of people ripped me off, and I don't give a shit. If you can't get over that, you have a problem. So in a way, I was well equipped to deal with Chuck. Even afterward, the cat still fascinates me. I find him more appealing now that I know him better than just hittin' me in the eye or sayin', "Fuck off."

I was given the opportunity to fulfill my own selfish teenage dreams. If I could just be the cat playing the guitar behind Chuck Berry, I thought. I'll have to swallow a lot of shit, probably on camera, to do this. But if I can do it, I'll show that about myself. If I can go through that fire, it will harden me up to the point where I can do my own record alone.

All those things - if you dream them, they'll come true, if you stick at it and hang in for the course.
(Source : not known)