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Fact #171011


Short story:

Johnny Cash, seriously ill because of his drug problems, begins a European tour in Lahti, Finland, Europe.

Full article:

Johnny Cash : On the tour of Europe in October of '83 I was really heavily into Percodan, amphetamines and sleeping pills. We played 14 cities, and when I came back to Nashville I remembered four of them. I was bleeding internally. They put me in the hospital, operated, took out about half of what they could see of everything. My gall bladder, my spleen, half my stomach was full of holes from Percodan. The more it'd hurt the more I'd take, the more I took the more it burned. But I had total recovery. I went from Eisenhower Medical Center to Betty Ford Center. It just slipped back up on me, y'know?

Drugs are so deceptive. It's like a demon that says, "Hey, I'm so pretty, look at me, I'll make you feel better! Take me." And I do. It's a battle. I've talked to those pills. There'd be six of 'em and I'd say, "I'm just gonna take one of you today," and I could almost hear them saying, "No, you're gonna take all of us." 'Cause when you're on that stuff one is too many and a thousand is not enough.
(Source : not known)