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Fact #170982


Short story:

Musical Youth reach No1 in the UK singles chart with Pass The Dutchie.

Full article:

Dennis Seaton (Musical Youth) : I was fifteen when Musical Youth went to No1 with Pass The Dutchie. We were all fifteen or under, with Michael the youngest at thirteen.

One of the things that slowed us down was all the rules that are there to protect you. We could only work 42 days a year, and had to cram all the shows and tv and promotion into that time. We had to give three weeks notice to the education authorities if we were doing a tv show, but the music business has to respond much faster than that.

Obviously, because of our roots we were familiar with marijuana, but we knew nothing about heroin or cocaine. None of the band got into anything like that. We were happy just to play or hang around in arcades, and our favourite food was McDonalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken. We must have been the cheapest No1 MCA ever had.

When the money came in I was buying anything I wanted. I bought a £6,000 Ford Fiesta with cash. We were just a bunch of kids, jetting around the world doing amazing things but I still felt empty and unfulfilled.

Our biggest problem was that because we couldn’t tour, we ended up just rehearsing all the time which was frustrating. Then, when the tax bills came in we couldn’t offset it against anything, so we hit cash flow troubles right away. If we could have gone out and played, I think we’d have stuck together, but it all fell apart.

When I found fulfilment in Jesus Christ, the others thought it a huge joke, but it made things easier to get back to a normal lifestyle. Our big tragedy was when Patrick died in 1993. They said he was into drugs but the coroner said there was no trace of drugs in his system.
(Source : not known)