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Fact #170760


Short story:

When The Jimi Hendrix Experience play at Kennedy Stadium, Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA, their manager Chas Chandler is arrested on a charge of being drunk and disorderly.

Full article:

Chas Chandler (co-manager, JHE) : I went over to a guy that had the walkie-talkie system. We presumed he was in charge. They (The band) just walked on stage and all the lights were on in the stadium, so I said, 'Can you put all the lights out?' He said 'You'll have to ask him over there.' and there's this grossly fat little man, and I walked over and I said 'Can you turn the lights out in the stalls, please?' And he said 'Beat it, fatso.' I said 'What?' He said 'Arrest him.' The next thing I know I was in the cell. I could hear a voice saying 'Charge him with being drunk and disorderly.' All I had was a can of Budweiser.
(Source : not known)