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Fact #169526


Short story:

Siouxsie And The Banshees play the first of three nights at the Kolnoadan Club, Tel Aviv, Israel, Asia. During this visit, The Banshees, including Robert Smith, take time out to visit Jerusalem and to see The Wailing Wall, which will inspire Smith's song Wailing Wall on The Cure's 1984 album The Top.

Full article:

Siouxsie Sioux : We did this crazy thing and hired a car to go to the Dead Sea. Robert (Robert Smith of The Cure, their then guitarist) had to be the chauffeur, he was the only one who could drive but, when we got there, it was like The Hills Have Eyes, all barbed wire and tanks and flags with skull and crossbones on them!

We also went to Tel Aviv, where most of the audience were on acid, which was available after the show, so we took it as well! We ended up on the beach, having a party until sunrise, and, of course, we ended up swimming. The sea was very clear, but there were all these little fish flying out of it. It wasn't the drugs, honest!
(Source : not known)