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Fact #169468


Short story:

Dexys Midnight Runners appear on UK tv show Top Of The Pops performing Jackie Wilson Said. The backdrop to the performance is a ten-foot high picture of portly darts champion Jocky Wilson.

Full article:

Kevin Rowland (Dexy’s Midnight Runners) : I suppose our most notorious appearance on the show was Jackie Wilson Said, when we performed in front of a huge picture of Jocky Wilson, the darts player. It's gone down in history as a BBC cock-up, but it wasn't. It was our idea, our joke. I had to talk them into doing it, actually. The producer wasn't really up for it, 'cause he was worried that people would think they got it wrong. I told him, 'Yeah, but only stupid people'.

As if to prove my point, Mike Read picked up on it during his Radio 1 show and the whole story about it being some kind of mistake snowballed from there. I mean, of course we were in on it! Would we really have walked onto a set which featured a ten-foot picture of a fat darts player and not noticed? Although, it's fair to say we had a reputation for being a bit too serious, humourless even, so I suppose it was hard for some people to accept that we were the ones having a laugh. It was just an extension from our own rehearsals where we'd always refer to the song as Jocky Wilson Said.
(Source : not known)