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Fact #169440


Short story:

The Who play in Rich Stadium, Buffalo, New York State, supported by The Clash and David Johansen.

Full article:

Steve Silverman (audience) : This was one of the worst concerts I have ever been to.  Since it was general admission, we had to get there at 11 AM, even though The Who was not scheduled to start until 8 PM.  The place was packed and if you moved your feet, you lost your seat.  David Johanssen opened the show, although I remember little of his performance.  The Clash then followed and were excellent.  Yet, when The Who finally came on, it was anticlimactic.  This was before the days of large screen projection, so they looked like little ants on the stage.  They barely moved and it quickly became a bore.  They sounded great, but I remember commenting that I should have stayed home and listened to it on the radio.  At the time, a concert ticket was around $8, but I had paid $30 for these and was very disappointed. 
(Source : not known)