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Fact #169366


Short story:

It's Hard, the tenth album by The Who enters the UK albums chart, where it will peak at No11.

Full article:

Roger Daltrey (vocals, The Who) : It’s Hard should never have been released. I had huge rows with Pete. Pete had just come off detox and he was really looking for help. We did It’s Hard in the studio and the band was rehearsing before Pete got out of the clinic just to try and keep a vibe up, to try and support Pete. But when the album was finished and I heard it I said, "Pete, this is just a complete piece of shit and it should never come out!"

Kenney Jones (drums, The Who) : It was amazing what we came out with, because we only had two songs. The rest were a bunch of riffs. And, because we approached it more like a workshop thing, it brought us all back together.

Roger Daltrey : It came out because as usual we were being manipulated at that time by other things. The record company wanted a record out and they wanted us to do a tour. What I said to Pete was, "Pete, if we’d tried to get any of these songs onto Face Dances, or any of the albums that we’ve done since our first fucking album, we would not allow these songs to be on an album! Why are we releasing them? Why? Let’s just say that was an experience to pull the band back together, now let’s go and make an album."
(Source : not known)