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Fact #16924


Short story:

The Beatles support Mr. Acker Bilk's Paramount Jazz Band on the MV Royal Iris as it cruises along the Mersey in Liverpool, England, UK, Europe, on the first of four Riverboat Shuffles.

Full article:

Brian Thompson (fan) : I was a trad jazz fan and was a Cavern and Iron Door regular from the day these clubs opened. I must have come across The Beatles on a number of occasions but did not really take much notice. One particular night I attended a 'Riverboat Shuffle' on board the Royal Iris. Acker Bilk was top of the bill and after he'd played his first set the leather-clad Beatles began to set their equipment up for their segment of the night's entertainment. From what I can remember I may have listened to a few bars of their first number but that was enough for me. I quickly departed the scene to get a pint and some fresh air. It was jazz I'd come to hear, not this rock 'n' roll stuff. A lot of traditional jazz fans of this period felt the same. I must have had a lot of opportunities to catch The Beatles during this period with clubs such as the Cavem presenting a mixture of beat and jazz on the same night, but I chose not to take them, preferring to nip out for a pint instead.
(Source : not known)