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Fact #168883


Short story:

The Who play at The Virginia Beach Dome, Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA.

Full article:

Stanley Burnell (audience) : My brother Larry and I were there for this concert. It was great with seeing Daltrey twerling the mic to Townshend jumping and of course Moon tearing up the drums at the end. Everybody standing on their metal chairs at the end. I remember them saying at the end that they were going to play their latest song, so they ended the show with Magic Bus. That was the first time I had heard the song. One of my favorites. Great concert!!!!
(Source : https://www.garagehangover.com/whovirginiabeachdome/)

Gilbert Murrotavitch (audience) : I was in the Army stationed at Ft. Lee when I heard about this concert. I hitch hiked to Virgini Beach to see it. I had no money and a door guy let me in. It was a great concert, I had seen them two times previous to this. Once at a high school (Southfield, MI) and at the Grande Ballroom in Detroit.
(Source : https://www.garagehangover.com/whovirginiabeachdome/)