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Fact #168051


Short story:

While The Who are playing at Tacoma Dome, Washington, USA, Pete Townshend impales his hand on the tremolo arm of his guitar. To demonstrate to the audience what has happened, he lifts the guitar up by the offending tremolo arm while it is still stuck through his hand.

Full article:

Pete Townshend : I picked up the guitar and held it from the tremolo so that everybody could see what had happened. Then I pulled it out and blood started to pump out. And then it fucking hurt. I ran offstage and ended up having oxygen, so I don’t remember much after that.

It went through my hand, missing all the nerves and tendons. It just so happened that in Tacoma there’s this brilliant microsurgeon who irrigated it with a saline solution for an hour and a half. Next day it was healed.
(Source : not known)