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Fact #167654


Short story:

The Smiths play the second of two nights at Universal Amphitheater, Los Angeles, California, USA.

Full article:

Morrissey (vocalist, The Smiths) : The first night in L.A. they brought in The Police . The second night they had to bring in the army. People were so responsive - I had to be dragged off the stage several times. It was really insane.

Johnny Marr (guitarist, The Smiths) : We had our first ever incidents of hotel trashing when Craig joined the band. He trashed a room in LA. He was sober as well: he took a fire bucket and wrecked the light fittings. But the partying thing was just something that was on my agenda: it was one of the things that I'd dreamed about doing as a kid. I'm glad we did it.
(Source : not known)