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Fact #164383


Short story:

The Pretenders release their seventh album Viva El Amor, on Warner Bros in the UK.

Full article:

Same problem here as with this month's Tom Petty and Cranberries albums. Chrissie Hynde is resting on her laurels, doing what she knows she does best (jangly bitch with heart of gold) but doing it without much enthusiasm or imagination. She rarely sounds engaged with her material, not even when she oozes every last smidge of sexuality from her voice, or drags out the melisma further than even Mariah Carey would dare, or throws in the odd four-letter profanity to demonstrate the depths of emotion. Along the way she mix'n'matches pre-owned vocal backings from Sweets For My Sweet, hints of the old Satisfaction riff, an electronic intro from Spirit In The Sky and more. There are, no doubt, those who will consider this 'classic'. To me, it's just dull.
Johnny Black review in HiFi News, July 1999