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Fact #163332


Short story:

The Specials begin their 13-date Seaside Specials tour at Tiffany's, Great Yarmouth, England, UK, Europe.

Full article:

Roddy Byers (guitarist, The Specials) : A great idea to play all round the coast of England and wake up every morning and look out your hotel window and see the sea, but on the day of the start of the tour, Jerry Dammers decided he didn’t want to do it.

He was on downers and seeing a doctor and was cracking up due to personal things and just pressure, I guess. So I said to everyone else, oh bugger him, why don’t we get the sax player, who also played keyboards, to do his parts and go without Jerry. That didn’t go down too well. But Jerry got better and did the tour anyway. Jerry would tend to throw wobblers if he didn’t get his own way. So to try and get my own material or input noticed, I had to throw as big a wobbler as him, which wasn’t always the best thing to do.
(Source : not known)