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Fact #163298


Short story:

The Jimi Hendrix Experience record 1983…(A Merman I Should Turn To Be)/Moon Turn The Tides…Gently Gently Away at Record Plant, New York City, USA.

Full article:

Harvey Mandel (guitarist) : Although Jimi and I were not close personal friends, I did have the opportunity to meet him - the first time I was at the Record Plant in New York, where I was just completing my first album. I remember anxiously waiting to see Jimi play his guitar up close because, from hearing him at live concerts, I thought he might have a magical something or other built into his guitar to help give him the incredible sounds he achieved. I soon discovered that he played a regular old Stratocaster through Marshall amps.He did use some gadgets, such as Univibe, Fuzz Face, and Cry Baby, but these items were available for anyone. The magic obviously came from Hendrix's own fingers.
(Source : not known)