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Fact #162819


Short story:

The Cure cancel two European gigs as leader Robert Smith flies back to the UK to tell Siouxsie And The Banshees that he cannot fulfil his commitment to play with them on their next tour.

Full article:

Robert Smith : I quit because I told them I was dying and they wouldn’t believe me. I hadn’t been to the doctor’s since my early teens and when I went to see my GP, I could tell by the look on his face that there was something very, very wrong with me. He was horrified I was even walking. He told me I should really be dead.

Siouxsie Sioux : It wasn’t like he became ill. He was one of those people who just didn’t say ‘No’ to anything so, when it’s self-induced, it’s hard to have sympathy. To actually say, two days before a tour that’s been planned in advance that he can’t do it – fuck off! What a lightweight. (Uncut, Jan 2005)

Robert Smith : I had blood poisoning and a whole list of other things wrong with me. The Banshees’ management wouldn’t accept this and just thought I was trying to skive out of doing some dates. I knew if I went out on another tour with them I wouldn’t come back from it. I felt that bad. I had to quit.

My relationship with Siouxsie was OK right up until the very end. She could never accept that anything could be as important as The Banshees. She wasn’t used to having people say no to her.
(Source : not known)