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Fact #162385


Short story:

The Jimi Hendrix Experience record Long Hot Summer Night at The Record Plant, New York City, USA, with Al Kooper on piano.

Full article:

Mitch Mitchell : We went there because Gary Kellgren, who we'd worked with at Mayfair, had raised the money with a partner and managed to start The Record Plant.

Chris Stone (co-owner, Record Plant) : Eddie Kramer arrived in New York with his black cape and we picked him up at the airport. He came swishing into the Record Plant and that was also the night we had the first real session with Jimi and, of course, Electric Ladyland became our first really big hit.

Al Kooper : When he arrived at the session, I was sitting there, fooling around with it, trying to see if I could make any reasonable noise. I wanted to see if a right-handed guy could play a Strat set up for a lefty.

Jimi came in and said 'You like that guitar?' I said, 'I don't know. You've got it all fucked up. I can't tell.' He said, 'Well, why don't you keep it?' I said, 'Fuck you. Get outta here.' But he kept on insisting. I told him to forget about it. The next day, it arrived at my house by messenger.

Chas Chandler : It was slow going from the moment we started at the Record Plant. I was sitting there watching him play the same song over and over again, thinking to myself, 'What is going on?'. Jimi had wanted this to be a double album, and I distinctly recall being glad that I had done so much at Olympic because, at this pace, the album would never be finished.
(Source : not known)