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Fact #162067


Short story:

When The Cream play at The Capitol Theater, Ottowa, Canada, in the middle of their second North American tour, bassist Jack Bruce decides to go home.

Full article:

Jack Bruce (bass/vocals, The Cream) : They just worked us to death touring, almost literally at times. I think it was Canada where I kind of broke. The problem was, I wanted our own really good PA. We'd go to quite large places, outdoor baseball-type stadiums some of them, and we had no PA, so they'd provide a tiny little system. It was killing my voice. I said to Ginger, 'We need a PA,' and he said, 'We can't afford it.'

We had, I think, a number two album at the time, and so I just said, 'Well, that's it, I'm going home.' I went to the airport and got myself a ticket – which I probably didn't know how to do, but somehow managed. But two roadies came and almost physically dragged me back. So I sort of carried on. I think that's an indication of the pressure we were under.
(Source : not known)