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Fact #158834


Short story:

The Bee Gees And Their Orchestra play at The Royal Albert Hall, London, England, UK.

Full article:

Barry Gibb (Bee Gees) : People were looking for events in those days. Like Magical Mystery Tour or the Stones Rock'n'Roll Circus. So, this was Robert in his P.T.Barnum mode. He loved to create spectacular events. He had a lot to do with the Isle Of Wight festival. Cream was one of his events. We arrived very soon before the show went on, got dressed very quickly, and the rehearsals were minimal, so it was almost like an improvisation. There were thirty or forty RAF musicians, a choir, and we had singers out in the audience that were going to rise.

But it was a very positive experience because we learned a valuable lesson from it – never to do that again. You learn from everything.

We weren't that good as a live act at that point. It was too overwhelming for us. We were very creative but not that great as a live act. Everyone was telling us it would be great but, deep down, I think we had our doubts. It was fun to try something different and it didn't do us any harm.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black, February 9, 2001)