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Fact #158697


Short story:

Boney M producer Frank Farian invites breakdancers Rob Pilatus and Fabrice Morvan to his Frankfurt, Germany, studio. They sign a contract, which will result in the creation of a carefully manufactured pop duo - Milli Vanilli.

Full article:

Frank Farian : Rob and Fab were supposed to do a dance video and it developed from there.

Rob Pilatus : We got a call to come to his studio and we said, ‘All right, that’s it.’ We were just dumb little kids, so we said, ‘Let’s go.’ When we got into the studio, Girl You Know It’s true was just a demo and he asked us our opinion of it and if we could sing it and we said, ‘Yeah, we could sing it.’

Frank Farian : It suddenly clicked in my mind, and it was kind of evident. I had the music, and there were people who wanted to perform. And I said, ‘Hey, let’s put that together and make a great record out of it.

Rob Pilatus : And he said, ‘Oh, beautiful. I believe it, but next week we have shows to do so, don’t worry, I’ll make you into a millionaire.’

Frank Farian : I’ve never heard such a bad singer. They wanted to sing. They wanted to write songs. It never happened. They went instead to discos til 4am, and slept all day. All they ever really did was party. Someone who lives like that can’t make good music.

Rob Pilatus : We sold our souls to the devil. We lied to our families and our friends. We let down our fans. We realise exactly what we did to achieve our success. We made some very big mistakes and we apologise.