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Fact #156741


Short story:

The Jimi Hendrix Experience play at Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA, supported by Soft Machine.

Full article:

Robert Wyatt (Soft Machine) : Hendrix would sometimes get flak for having this weird-sounding band at the beginning of his show, and he always said, 'Look, they're trying to do something, they're not trying to copy anybody else, and I want them on my show, OK? He personally stood up for us, even though we were making a lot of musical mistakes and hadn't got it fully together.

We were once in a dressing room and an English camera crew burst in. He was sitting on one side of the room and we were on the other, so we got a lot of film-makers' bums in our faces. And Hendrix said, 'Hold on a minute. These are my friends here. This is Mike, this is Robert, they're Soft Machine, they're touring with us.' He was really embarrassed on our behalf because he felt it was discourteous. He had a real sense of courtesy.
(Source : public Q+A session, the Purcell Room, London, October 15, 2007)