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Fact #155779


Short story:

Metallica play their last gig of the year at Carlini Argentine Base, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. This completes a year in which Metallica became the first band ever to play on all seven continents in one year.

Full article:

George Galbreath, Director of Operations, Rock-It Cargo, San Francisco : I have many memories of that Antarctica trip. The voyage across the Drake's Passage from Cape Horn in South America to the South Shetland Islands in Antarctica, took us through 30' swells and a storm that completely halted progress for most of a day. When we finally arrived at our destination, the water was like glass, and the sun shone 22 hours per day. Then, all the gear we took down had to strapped onto a marine crane, hung out over the water, and lowered into Zodiac inflatable boats to be brought ashore.
(Source : interview with Johnny Black, Audience magazine, Sept 2017)