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Fact #152069


Short story:

A coroner's report is issued by the Wayne County Medical Examiner on Chris Cornell, singer of Soundgarden and Audioslave, who died shortly after playing a concert with Soundgarden in Detroit, Michigan, USA. The report states that Cornell committed suicide in his MGM Grand hotel room by hanging.

Full article:

Kirk Pasich (attorney for the Cornell family) : Without the results of toxicology tests, we do not know what was going on with Chris — or if any substances contributed to his demise. Chris, a recovering addict, had a prescription for Ativan and may have taken more Ativan than recommended dosages. The family believes that if Chris took his life, he did not know what he was doing, and that drugs or other substances may have affected his actions.
(Source : http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/chris-cornells-wife-issues-statement-w483179)