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Fact #149551


Short story:

Despite considerable criticism from her family and her musical peers, R'n'B singer Chrisette Michele performs live at the Inauguration of Donald Trump in Washington DC, USA. She claims she wanted to "get in front of these people who don't seem to understand who they're talking to and show them what we look like."

Full article:

Chrisette Michele : "After seeing what happened to Jennifer Holliday, I literally turned my phone off because I knew if I was going to make any type of decision, I couldn't be swayed left or right by what anybody thought. I had to just go with my own convictions.

The first thing I thought was that I have an opportunity to get in front of these people who don't seem to understand who they're talking to and show them what we look like. I felt automatically committed to making sure that I stood up for the women who've felt disrespected and the minorities who felt disrespected, communities that felt that they weren't being heard or understood.
(Source : http://www.music-news.com/news/UK/102985/Chrisette-Michele-I-didn-t-get-to-meet-Donald-Trump-after-all-I-went-through)