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Fact #146432


Short story:

Ray Davies of The Kinks rings bassist Pete Quaife inviting him to re-join the band.

Full article:

Pete Quaife (bassist, The Kinks] : On 31 December 1966 Ray phoned me up and said it was going to be better, changes would be made, and he made a lot of promises. So I came back but, in fact, it was just the same. I slogged on for a little longer but it was ridiculous. I was making somebody else filthy rich, and getting nothing out of it.

I think he wanted me back in the group because I was an original member and the management had been at Ray, saying it was an image thing - the original Kinks, that specific line-up was the one everybody wanted to see. I was probably also the best bass player he ever had. I think I also understood him, which made me quite unique. Ray was full of demons and hobgoblins, and what was going on in his head must have been horrible. I had the guy in my arms, crying, several times, trying to explain what he was going through and all the rest of it. Eventually, though, he'd always just draw back and go back into himself again.
(Source : not known)