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Fact #142716


Short story:

Man Without Machines release the LP The Kreuzberg Press on Man Vs. Man Records in the UK.

Full article:

Review by Johnny Black, first appeared in Hi Fi News.
Anyone investing this because the cover evokes memories of the glorious dawn of electronic rock in the 80s will be more than delighted, because this wilfully mis-named Scottish five-piece have re-captured the innocent exuberance of that adventurous era but with the added oomph of all the technological changes that have taken place since. Largely written, played, produced and recorded by mainman Adam Lockhart, the album kicks off in energetic high gear and pretty much stays that way throughout, often referencing Depeche Mode and Kraftwerk, but with vocal melodies that soar and dance over the jaunty rhythm tracks. Terrific stuff but better to come, I suspect.