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Fact #141946


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ist release their third album, Toothpick Bridge, on Monkey Basket Records,

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Review by Johnny Black - first appeared in HiFi News.

It's unfair of me to criticise Devendra Banhart for sounding like a young Marc Bolan and then lavish praise on this lot for sounding like a young Elvis Costello but the difference is that ist sound like they're fully engaged with the real world and their songs are irresistibly catchy. They're a tight little Leicestershire quartet led by Canadian Kenton Hall, which might explain the hint of Barenaked Ladies whimsy in some songs. They can switch effortlessly from angry pop to twitchy ska and swoop from a whisper to a scream in a nanosecond. And even when they pull out the occasional wailing bluesharp and the extended guitar solo it sounds absolutely spot on.