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Fact #141836


Short story:

The Troggs record Wild Thing and With A Girl Like You at Regent Sound Studio, London, England, UK.

Full article:

Reg Presley (vocalist, The Troggs) : We recorded Wild Thing and with A Girl Like You at that same session. We had about three quarters of an hour to get our gear set up for them to get a balance, then record and get out. It was the end of a session Larry Page and his orchestra had booked. Larry was our manager and said we could have any time left over. So we recorded very fast and, for rawness, you can't whack it.

There was a guy (at DJM Records) called Dennis Berger, who had a heap of demos on his desk. The first one I picked up was Wild Thing. I took a look at the lyric sheet and read, 'Wild thing – you make my heart sing, You make everything groovy' It seemed so corny. I thought, 'Oh my God, what are they doing to us?' Then I played Chip Taylor's demo – just guitar and him – and it was incredible. The other boys all liked it too. Chip Taylor later told us our version was just what he wanted.
(Source : interview with Fred Dellar in Mojo, April 2008)