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Fact #141792


Short story:

Quicksand play at The Greyhound, Fulham, London, England, UK.

Full article:

QUICKSAND is one of those bands about which little seems to be known; while the band members' names are easily found, what they played is another matter, although it seems they had a fairly standard guitar/bass/keys/drums lineup. The rear sleeve of their sole album, "Home Is Where I Belong", actually has a band bio, along with a bucolic view of a classic Welsh valley, complete with a sheep, although it obviously neglects to give any useful instrumental information. Hailing from South Wales, the cover pic makes them look like a rare form of hippy miner, which vaguely describes the music herein. OK, it doesn't; they basically bordered prog without really immersing themselves wholeheartedly in the style, having much in common with other proto-prog outfits such as Cressida or Spring, although less interesting.

Hideaway My Song is typically uninteresting mid-'70s 'rock', although Sunlight Brings Shadows ups the ante a little by bringing in a faint Gentle Giant influence. The rest of the album veers between boring and vaguely adventurous, although Quicksand were never really going to be front-runners. A Mellotron appears on three tracks, with small string parts on Sunlight Brings Shadows and Overcome The Pattern/Flying, with more strings and brass on Seasons/Alpha Omega; no surprise that the 'Tron comes in on the longer, proggier tracks.

SOURCE: http://www.planetmellotron.com/reviewsq.htm