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Fact #141455


Short story:

On her Diamonds World Tour, Rihanna plays at The Cape Town Stadium, Cape Town, South Africa.

Full article:

Attie Van Wyk, promoter Big Concerts, South Africa : During the Rihanna tour, her agent John Giddings, his wife Caroline, a local artist by the name of Arno Carstens and myself ended up after dinner one night at the bar in the Table bay Hotel in Cape Town. Arno and I started jamming around the piano and John, Caroline and Arno’s wife Melanie were on backing vocals. At the end of the evening John was adamant that we form a band and he decided to call the band….Shooting Bambi! We are still planning to form this band and John will be the bass player!
(Source : interview with Johnny Black, for Audience magazine, April 2016)