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Fact #141292


Short story:

Maarja Nuut releases a new LP, Une Meeles on Europe Lit Records in the UK.

Full article:

Our Maarja is an odd one, to be sure. Essentially an Estonian folk singer and virtuoso fiddler, she uses looping devices and electronics to create other-worldly ambiences that would go down a treat at any trance-induction seminar from Islington to Ulan Bator. That said, her voice, heard at its clearest on Siidisulis linnukene, is stunningly beautiful, the sprightly Eeva And Maarja labajalg would get punters jigging madly at any WOMAD Festival, and if Kanye was to sample Kuradipolka it could go platinum. I hesitate to suggest that this is something for everyone, but if you’re open-minded, and inclined towards folkadelica, this could be your cup of herbal tea.
(Review by Johnny Black, first appeared in Hi Fi News)