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Fact #139728


Short story:

The Suicide Of Western Culture release a new LP, Hope Only Brings Pain, on Irregular Records in the UK.

Full article:

Reasons To Be Hopeful No 26 - Barcelona-based electronic terrorists TSOWC are back with another awesome assemblage of lo-fi retro electronica anthems powered along on jagged, distorted beats. The nearest comparison I can offer is OMD meeting YMO in DAF's sub-basement with all the lights turned off. Neither their name nor the title of their second album is particularly cheery, but their music remains invigouratingly uplifting in a curiously aggressive, industrial wasteland sort of a way. As a reviewer, wading through interminable piles of dross suddenly becomes worthwhile if, once in a blue moon, something as gloriously, mind-warpingly odd as this pops up.
Johnny Black (review first appeared in Hi Fi News)